Applied Statisticians as Principal Investigators Webinar

Category: Career development for applied statisticians

Location: Webinar | Date: 27 April 2021

Please click here to view the webinar in its entirety.  Individual session videos will follow in due course

Extra Questions/Answers – Ianina Conte

This webinar is aimed at applied statisticians who are interested in becoming principal investigators on grants.  There will be sessions on funding opportunities available, personal experience of securing funding as an applied statistician and public involvement and patient benefit in statistician led research.


This event will be held on Zoom. Please register for this event at are limited and offered on a first come first served basis. A recording of the webinar will be made available after the event.


For further information please contact Dr Sam Leary (




10:00-10:10 Brief introduction to NIHR Statistics Group and the NIHR Methodology Incubator

Professor Dawn Teare and Dr Catey Bunce, NIHR Statistics Group Leads


Session 1: Opportunities available to be a principal investigator

chaired by Dr Sam Leary (Lead of Career Development Group) on behalf of

the NIHR Statistics Group


10:10-10:25 Opportunities for leading grant applications – RfPB 

Dr Ianina Conte (Research for Patient Benefit, National Institute for Health Research)


10:25-10:40 Opportunities for leading grant applications – Better Methods, Better 


Dr Rosalind Roberts (Better Methods, Better Research, Medical Research Council)


10:40-11:05 Personal experience of successfully securing methodology funding as a PI

Professor Richard Emsley, King’s College London


11:05-11:30 Personal experience of successfully securing methodology funding as a PI

Dr Jonathan Bartlett, University of Bath


Break (15 mins)


Session 2: Public involvement and patient benefit in statistician led research

chaired by Dr Mona Kanaan (Statistics Workstream Lead) on behalf of the NIHR Methodology Incubator


11:45-12:10 Patient and public Involvement in Numerical aspects of Trials 

Dr Beatriz Goulao, Health Services Research Unit, University of Aberdeen



Developing a Framework for Public Involvement in Mathematical and 

Economic Modelling: Bringing New Dynamism to Vaccination Policy Recommendations

Professor Sophie Staniszewska and Dr Edward Hill, University of Warwick


12:35-13:00 Demonstrating patient benefit in methodological research 

Professor Gordon Taylor, College of Medicine and Health, University of Exeter



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